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Poetry In Motion

Before the romanticsWe shall soon be moving our delightful Poetry Collections to our new address and invite you to have a taste of some of them in the next few weeks.

These books are from Plymouth Proprietary Library's own collection and they, along with the rest of our collection, are available for members to borrow.

The Simon Curtis Collection of poetry books is available for browsing and reference only and we invite you to browse the online and paper catalogue of this marvellous collection at your leisure.

This connoisseur collection of poetry is available for members of the library and non members alike to enjoy.

'Enjoying Poetry' is something we encourage here at the library and our monthly group of the same name welcomes members of the library and non members alike to selected readings and afternoon tea from 2 - 3pm. Tea is available at 50 pence per cup.

10 summers 17cen poetry Epistle to a Godson Robert Bridges Sun Dancing Thomas Hardy


Please telephone the library on 01752 660515 for more details.  A message can be left on our ansaphone if the library is closed and we will get back to you during library opening hours.