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World Book Day Event: Thursday 3rd March 2022 at 7pm


Laura-Horton-featured-750x620.jpgPlymouth Laureate of Words presents a World Book Day event to unveil new modern play text collection, a play reading and a Q&A at Plymouth Proprietary Library

Thursday 3rd March 7pm

Plymouth Laureate of Words Laura Horton, will be unveiling a new modern plays section, generously donated by Concord Theatricals and Paines Plough at Plymouth Proprietary Library to celebrate World Book Day 2022.

The event will include a short reading of one of Laura's new plays, Breathless.

This will be followed by a Q&A with Plymouth's first woman and playwright in the role of Plymouth Laureate of Words.

“I’m really keen to get people to think about picking up a play to read like they would a novel or short story. Plays are so accessible and fun to read, they fire your visual imagination in wonderful ways. I’m delighted that Concord Theatricals have donated such a brilliant range to the library and hope people get lots of use out of them.”

Laura Horton, Plymouth Laureate of Words

Light refreshments offered for a small donation.

Laura Horton is Plymouth Laureate of Words, the first woman and playwright in the role. She is a Soho Theatre Writer’s Lab alumni, 2017. Laura’s full-length play, Labyrinth Diet, was performed as part of Foreword Festival, 2021, it was nominated for an ONCOMM award. In 2020 she wrote and produced her first film, A Summer of Birds (Plymouth Fringe, Toast of the Fringe winner). She is an artistic associate of The Space, who support arts organisations and artists to develop work and reach audiences online. Her first play Hidden by Things about her experience of hoarding disorder is due to be performed at Morgan Lloyd Malcolm and Abi Zakarian’s Power Share and is being developed with the support of Downstage Write. Laura is currently commissioned by Theatre Royal Plymouth and was listed in The Stage 100 2021, for her campaigning with her project Theatre Stories. In November 2021 her play The Pizza Inspector with Above Bounds and With Flying Colours will be performed in Plymouth primary schools. Triptych includes Giddy Tuppy (The Space, ONCOMM winner 2020); and Bloody Men (Arcola Theatre, Miniaturists 2019). Her next play as part of the Laureate will be premiered on 8 march 2022 at Plymouth University.

Concord Theatricals Ltd is the UK home of R&H Theatricals, Samuel French Ltd and Tams-Witmark, plus dozens of new signings every year. Their unparalleled roster includes the work of Irving Berlin, Agatha Christie, George & Ira Gershwin, Marvin Hamlisch, Lorraine Hansberry, Kander & Ebb, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Harold Pinter, Cole Porter, Terrence Rattigan, Rodgers & Hammerstein, Thornton Wilder and August Wilson. They are the only firm providing truly comprehensive services to the creators and producers of plays and musicals, including theatrical licensing, music publishing, script publishing, cast recording and first-class production.

Concord Theatricals is passionate about cultivating theatre and making it accessible for all. Beginning in 2020, a portion of their commission from every licence will be set aside to create a fund for significant annual donations to charitable organisations whose emphasis is to support theatre writers and composers, and music and drama education.